Dec 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela’s Legacy

What makes President Nelson Mandela’s a legend? So so so many things; but I think President Mandela’s achievement is his decision to retire after one presidential term. He returned the power to the masses when he could have easily continued being in power. This I think was the real turning point for South Africa’s democratic culture and the legacy he lives behind as a selfless public servant who cared so much. Perhaps a lesson takes from what made USA the country that it is today. I believe that, General George Washington’s decision to return his commission to the Continental Congress after the battle in 1783 was a monumental point in the history of the USA. I wonder if America could have been the America we know it today had George Washington decided to try to remain as commander-in-chief rather than resigning his power.

Some are just born to leave a legacy for centuries to inspire children and adults alike. Some belong for
history books, their deeds live on…

Here is a short video about the life of Nelson Mandela from Al Jazeera and a good read by Matthew Fisher titled 'One of Nelson Mandela’s greatest achievements was winning battle against odious pass laws'

"I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself". Amen Madiba and may your soul rest in peace. -Daniel 

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