Feb 8, 2009

African Union and Quadafi’s 'Fantasy'

Well, well, well exciting news for all of you my African progressive minded folks. On its 12th summit the African Union (AU) have selected Libya’s head of state Col. Muammar Quadafi to chair the organization. Just incase, let me drop a line or two about what AU is, AU is a successor of Organization of African Unity (OAU) established in 2002. Its head quarter is in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. All African states but Morocco (withdrew) are member of the AU, which meets twice a year.

So what is the exciting news? Well, Africa finds itself, as President Obama would say ”in the midst gathering clouds and raiding storms”, politically unstable, economically deprived, with countless civil wars, ethnic conflicts and momentous epidemic disease that is driving millions to the graves across Africa. In this time the AU have selected a self described “King of Kings” Libya’s totalitarian Col. Muammar Quadafi, to chair the organization for the 09-10 year. I am not concerned about where he might lead the Continent because the AU leader in this case “King of Kings Quadafi” does not have any significant power over any jurisdiction to the AU with out the consensus of the head of states of the member countries. The assembly of the African Union makes the important decisions, which meet twice a year.

The likely hood of Mr. Quadafi agenda prevailing to implement or redirect the course of Africa’s path is slim to none; though what troubles me is, he would not bring any light to the organizations, that faces so many alarming issues across the continent. With all due respect to “king of kings” Mr. Quadaffit, In my opinion he is the classical dictator who’s country have not see a single beaming rays of democracy under his control ever since taking power through a military coup at the age of 27; in which seems centuries ago in 1969. Mr. Quadafi
have been in power for 40 years, ”… the longest-serving leader in the Arab world”
Last August Quadafi gathered over 200 Africa’s traditional leaders to name him ”King of Kings” of Africa. So it should not come as surprise to hear that, before his arrived at the summit in Addis Ababa, ”…he circulated a letter saying he was coming as the king of the traditional kings of Africa”. I want to say 'what a moron' but I am not going to. Seriously, what kind of senseless leader would do such thing, in this ever changing and globalizing world of 21century? In what seems to me a thoughtless ambition of Quadafi quest, the ”king of kings” travelled to Addis Ababa with his long dreamed fantasy of creating a “United State of Africa”. He actually proposed it long ago; I remember hearing the idea floating as far back as 9 years ago. Thought then he didn’t have the conch (the talking stick). Now, on his inaugural speech he proudly expressed his ‘vision for Africa’ “I shall continue to insist that our sovereign countries work to achieve the United States of Africa," an Africa with a single military, single currency and single passport and so on. He even went on to explain how having political parties is the main reason to African nations civil and interstate wars, therefore, African leaders need to follow his example and abolish opposition political parties. Again it makes you want to say ”what a moron” but I ought respect my elders.

Expert on the African Union called the vision of “the United States of Africa” a "ludicrous fantasy on the part of [Col] Gaddafi." It is just that and beyond, a hallow ideology of Quadafi. Don’t we all wish for the existence of united and strong African? oh it would be sweet and so fulfilling to see a united Africa; but only if one is capable of brushing all its reality aside and live on cloud nine. Most African countries could not even create a peaceful and stable nation with in their own state, let alone trying to merge thousands and thousands of different languag
es, tribe, and ethnic groups to co-exist peacefully in a large but single state.

The AU chairmanship is a rotating power between regional head of state every year. This year it was turn for a northern African country and to Quadafi’s luck; Libya was the only countries present in the summit. In my view regardless of the circumstance they should not have selected Quaddfi. I think it is giant step backwards for Africa and great disappointment towards our African leaders, who didn’t stand strong to voice against Quaddaffi’s selection; knowing that, this is the same man who used to support and train many rebels from across the world inside his country under his leadership. The same man who have a law that forbids political groups who’s ideology are opposed to his own, consequently Human Rights Watch says, hundreds of Libyans have been imprisoned, disappeared and others sentenced to death.

A stanza from a poem titled ”Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost reads as follow...
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, 

But I have promises to keep, 

And miles to go before I sleep, 

And miles to go before I sleep.

Likewise Africa’s journey is so far of a distance from the European Union and the U.S.A that the idea of “United States of Africa” would probably tear the continent apart in no time. Thanks for the idea Mr. Quadafi but Africa does not need help on that aspect.


  1. Anonymous2/08/2009

    The prospects of too much oversight and consensus that the AU will bring fourth are in theory good deterrents for Mr. Quadafi's power trip! When it comes to addressing poverty, all I can say is that he better make the country more accessible for organizations willing to help it and, while this may present a few unknown variables, would really like to see more appropriation of money going towards the villages and communities in need. This may be obvious, but not as obvious as what went through my mind as my friend from Zimbabwe recalled, “its not unusual to see a politician riding around in a Mercedes Benz through the "slums.”

    As i read further down, i can't help but wonder how in fact will the many diverse ethnic groups, languages, and tribes come together simply because of an attempt made by the ones running the country to unite them all – quite literally in the same manner that took place in Europe and America!? Not only did this take many wars, struggles, dispositions and manifestations, but it took a lot of many common goals between the groups in power!

    I do not wonder based on the ignorance brought on by the assumption that people who live in these communities are no more compassionate than anyone else in the world who has gone through such turmoil; I wonder because of the harsh sentiment towards perceived "assimilation." No one wants to be told how to act in order to comply with the “bigger” dominant group since we all like the individuality that being diverse brings. As most cynics will tell you, ts also no secret that the purpose of unity on a scale that attempts to bypass and redirect what it means to a “citizen” is one which its attempts to bridge gaps, result in actually closing them.

    What Africa needs, as opposed to simply saying what the world needs, (since I believe in customization not cookie cutter approaches to community development) is simply to be made whole again. National pride is something that most of my African brothers can attest to while they make their lives here, but those who are still fresh with the harsh violent memories of the poverty stricken and war torn states seek nothing but wish it all away: "it" referring to the lack of opportunities; an ideal state of optimism and renewal in which if you want to see a life full of hope and change is within your reach... BUT, with problems such as "if food will be available today" or “will the rebels come through and pillage" one cannot help but expect negative marks on a day's outlook- derived from actual testimonials during many of my private conversations.

    So in closing, Daniel bro, in the few weeks of knowing you, I totally digg your vision. I can't help to wonder how long before you take this type of analysis into the political halls of African Democracy!

  2. :) i just read my facebook post, appreciate it bro.
